Monday 14 October 2013

I love your sister. 我愛你妹妹. 貴方の妹を愛する. 나는 여동생을 사랑한다

Chapter 2
           The Hishedori estate covered a vast land area of 125 acres in total. A huge mansion stands in the middle of it, with gigantic, voice-automated gates and security cameras at every turn. A 75 ft tall mansion occupies one third of the estate with beautiful landscape of gardens and fountains at the entrance along the drive way, which leads to the porch of the mansion. The gardens of Hishedori Estate had a typical Japanese influence to it, with low wooden bridges, bonsai and willow trees. Small and exquisite models of shrines were placed in the middle of all four huge Koi ponds. The night view of the gardens was extravagantly enchanting, especially as it was being lighted by cute three-foot lamp-posts in the shape of temples all over the gardens.
           The interior of the mansion was not any less breath-taking. The interior was totally different from the exterior. It was like being in two different worlds the moment you stepped into the mansion. A fusion of Oriental Japan and Urban America, a very difficult combination. The interior was much modernized with state of the art technologies and entertainment system. Most of the designs and masterpieces in the mansion consist of sculptures that were made of glass. The mansion was not very colorful and as cheery as the Yuchen residence as its walls were all white with gold plated roman pillars at every corner and diamond chandeliers on top of the 700 spot lights that lit the entire sleek and corner of the mansion.
            Though the man-made heaven sounded like a serene and tranquil home to the luckiest people, Tanaka thought otherwise. He did not like returning home to the cold estate. Tanaka Hishedori was the only heir to Fukuda Hishedori and Celine Hsu, who owned the city’s largest business empire, consisting of supermarkets, hotels, country clubs, night clubs, spa and sanctuary resorts, electronic companies and practically the entire entertainment world. However Fukuda Hishedori did not believe that his son should be given the opportunity to mess with the business empire and his social life, so, at the age where most of would be playing with toys and asking for candies, Tanaka was already in blazers and ties like an adult. He was smart to begin with. When most parents wished their children could be the same as Tanaka, Tanaka hated his childhood. He never knew his father until he was ten when he completed his high school education. Celine visited him often apart from her busy schedule to make sure that he was doing fine at school.
            There were times where Tanaka would feel so alone that he wanted to cry. It made him grew stronger and more independent, although some would call him cold and unsociable. By the time he came back home, he already had an ambition and dreams for his future. He saw himself flying through the gorgeous blue skies admiring the vast rays of the golden sun shining into his eyes that blinded him. A pilot, that was what Tanaka wanted to be. His dreams seemed impossible the moment he was flown back home to the estate. Fukuda Hishedori already had plans for Tanaka. An heir to his empire, Fukuda wanted to make a businessman out of his son. Tanaka went to Business College and at the same time took flying lessons. He was determined to fulfill his ambitions no matter what. Upon graduation at the age of eighteen, Tanaka told his father his dreams and stressed that he will not be taking over the family business.
            The two men, Fukuda and Tanaka went into a raging argument which ended with Celine in the hospital due to Fukuda’s accidental blow which was intended for Tanaka. Fukuda gave in, although reluctantly, and bought over an airline company for Tanaka to work at. He also made a pact with his son that should Tanaka be involved in any dispute or accident, Tanaka would have to give up flying.
            Today, Tanaka Hishedori is the most sought after pilot in the company and others. His colleagues, having known that he was the co-owner to the company, tried their very best to please Tanaka and fussed about whenever he was around, hoping to get into his good books. Young and notorious, Tanaka took advantage of this situation and made sure he got things done his way. Naturally, being six-foot tall, with brown hair and sparkly dreamy eyes, he was the centre of attention around the female staff of the company. Despite being around so many people who admired and adored him, Tanaka trusted no one but himself. He preferred spending time soaring through the blue skies and piloting his own jet upside down, piercing through the clouds rather than walk in the crowds. It was where he found tranquility and serenity most.
            Mr and Mrs Hishedori were not too fond of this passion though. Not surprising because it had happened once when Tanaka had just turned twenty one and was flying a jet on his own. He crashed and did not gain consciousness for three days. Since then, the quarrels between him and his parents became more frequent and with each, they would mention the incident and told him how big a gamble it was to let him fly like that. Often, the quarrel would be so heated that it would end up in yelling and over-spilling of bowls and breaking of china, usually by Tanaka.
            Today, Tanaka was returning home for the first time after a week in Paris. He was not expecting a warm welcome from his parents, especially his dad. He could not have been more correct. Exhausted from the flight and work at campus, Tanaka came back to find his parents waiting at the dining table with faces no more welcoming than from employers conducting an interview. He sighed as he approached the table. Bowing to both his parents as a mark of respect and acknowledgement, Tanaka greeted them both. In return, both his parents nodded their heads and beckoned him to take his seat. The trio began their dinner in silence until Celine asked Tanaka about his flight.
            “Hontou Sugoi! (Really Amazing) Paris was excellent. Have you been on the Eiffel? The view was excellent! Everything looked like a speck of light or dust from the top of the tower. The lights were absolutely gorgeous! You must have seen it, haven’t you?” Tanaka asked eyes sparkling with excitement and his voice filled with enthusiasm.
            He sounded almost like a child on his first trip to Disneyland. But before his mom could reply him, Fukuda interrupted.
            “Paris is boring for people like your mother and I who have been their almost at least once a month. It’s a common place to deal business. Of course, you wouldn’t know anything about it because you only fly.” he said with the most condescending tone Tanaka had ever heard him use. He was not about to start to spark off another argument on his first day back at home, so, Tanaka gave in and pretended to look amazed instead. His father was not even looking at him when he spoke. Fukuda kept his eyes on his meal.
            “Wow.. That’s the life of the rich alright. We should go there together some time. Of course if you could spare a little time off of your busy businessman schedule, because us pilots usually get like a week off after a flight that lasts for more than three days.” Tanaka said, determined not to let the matter rest without a small battle.
            “Of course. WE manage when and where we hold out meetings. WE make the decisions in the empire.” Fukuda said calmly. “Did you go get my instruction to drop by the campus today?”
            “Yes I did. There was nothing much there. The principal just came up to me, fussed around and a couple of students showed me around the campus. That’s all. Why was I there again?” Tanaka asked curious of his father’s instructions.
            “You better get used to the campus because you are going to spend quite a while of your time there.” Fukuda started to explain but Tanaka had already had his eyebrows 2raised.
            “Spend my time? In campus? Why? Am I going back to school to upgrade myself or something? I don’t remember having a flying institution in the campus. Or have we just had one built?” Tanaka asked his tone rising but his father remained ridiculously calm.
            “No. You are to take part in business project with some of the second year students there. One of them happens to one of the top students of the campus. This is the University board’s request that he co-manages the airline. You’d better not tarnish the family name in front of him with your childish attitude.” Fukuda said, his tone more serious this time round.
            Tanaka was already burning with rage inside but was even more determined to not let his father get the better side of him. Clenching his fingers tight underneath the dining table, he took a deep breath before speaking.
            “Who says I’m going to participate in the dumb project?” he said without blinking. Fukuda looked up in disbelief and stared hard at Tanaka as though he had gone mad. “Besides I’m only here for one week. After that I’ll be flying off again. There won’t be any time for me to do this stupid project. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.”
            By the time Tanaka finished with his sentence Fukuda was already on his two feet, hands gripping the table. Celine beckoned him to sit down and wiped her mouth.
            “Tanaka, it’s just a project. It won’t take up so much of your time. Besides, you might learn something from this project. We’ve already suited this to accommodate your interest. We’ve decided to choose the airline company instead of your father’s and my company. Please. We thought it would be nice for a change, you know, getting you involved in the family’s affair once in a while.”  Celine explained to her son with such a soft tone that Tanaka could not resist agreeing to the project. Which he did.
            “Fine. Watashi wa haha no,tame ni sore o okonaimasu.( I will do it for you, Mother) Well.. I’ll see you later then. I’m tired. I’ll have to take my shower and then I’ll head off to bed. Oyasuminasai. (Good night) ” Tanaka got off from the dining table to give his mother a kiss and nodded good night to his dad. Fukuda did not nod back, still enraged about his son’s defiance.
            “Celine. I’m telling you. You are spoiling him. See what he has done? Never in my life and family has any son defied a father! He..” Fukuda ranted but Celine chose to ignore his complaints.
            “Well, he has already agreed to the project hasn’t he? What’s there to be mad about? C’mon dear, it’s his first day back at home. Give him some space.” Celine reasoned with her enraged husband.
            Somehow, Fukuda calmed down and the two head back to their bedroom. Tanaka on the other hand was soaking in the estate’s biggest outdoor Jacuzzi. It was calm and soothing with the aromatherapy added to the bubbling warm water. As he lay back against the marble exterior sipping on his champagne, Tanaka closed his eyes and thought about the project that he had just agreed to take on.
            “Damn. What a mistake. Shouldn’t have agreed. What the hell did I just gotten myself into now?” he said aloud to himself as he wore his night kimono and made the long way back to his bedroom.

*          *          *
            Early next morning at Hishedori University, Xu, Jay and Lin-di were waiting anxiously for the arrival of their guest, of their very late guest. Lin-di was pacing back and forth under the Sakura tree cursing under his breath. Jay and Xu could only laugh and chuckle at their comical looking friend. This made Lin-di even more frustrated then he already was.
            “Honestly, I don’t see anything funny about this. We are rushing for time here and this fella is taking his own sweet time to come here. Outrageous!” Lin-di grumbled.
            “Di. YOU are rushing for time. Not us. Just because YOU are meeting Eri, everyone has to rush to accommodate your schedule, is that it?” Jay argued. Lin-di could only sigh in further frustration.
            “That’s not the point I’m trying to make. The principle of this whole thing is, the agreement clearly states the first meeting is and these agendas have to be discussed today and should have started two hours ago!” Lin-di said, cracking in knuckles. Xu and Jay raised their eyebrows and gave each other a wicked half-smile.
            “It’s not nice is it? To wait for someone who is so very late? I mean others could be rushing for time and they can take THEIR own sweet time? It’s not fair. Right Di?” Xu said with an indefinite tone of sarcasm in his words. Lin-di was about to agree when he realized that Xu and Jay was talking about himself. He let out an “Argh!” before rolling his eyes and settling down beside Xu with arms folded tightly across his broad, athletic chest.
            It was not until an hour later when Tanaka finally decided to show up, that too looking so uninterested and inattentive. He was dressed as though he was on a date. Then again with or without extravagant clothes, Tanaka already had a superstar look. Heads turned, even amongst the gentlemen in the campus, some in envy, some in jealousy because their girlfriends had their eyes fixed on him. Needless to say, all of the female population that was present at the campus ground had their sights fixed on Tanaka. Even Eri and Hsiu Qing (Jay’s Girlfriend), who were already there waiting together with the SunBoys.
            Tanaka made his way from the car park to the Study Park, walking across green lawns and across the windy campus entrance. He flipped his hair back when the wind blew it into his eyes. The sight melted the hearts of hundreds of girls that caught it. They drew a deep breath in unison and their heartbeats raced against each other’s’. The chilly cold wind made him shudder and his teeth to chatter. Clutching himself and tucking his hands into his fur trench coat, he ran towards where the SunBoys were.
            “Here comes our superstar.” Jay said in an envious tone, his trying to get back his girlfriend’s attention. “He’s got the whole campus’ breath at halt. It’s like the clock just stopped ticking in here. HSIU!”
            Hsiu Qing snapped out of her dreamy gaze at the charming Tanaka and looked at Jay in irritation. Jay could only roll his eyes and look away.
            “Minasan kon'nichiwa. Mōshiwakearimasenga watashi wa okureru. Daremoga eigo o hanashite imasu ka? (Hi everybody. Sorry I am late. Does anyone speak English?) ” Tanaka asked the stunned trio. He felt as though he had said something stupid. Tanaka quickly bowed and apologized in Japanese again.
Watashitachi no daremoga eigo o hanashimasu. Anata wa nihongo o hanasenai nodesu ka?” (We all speak English. Do you not speak Japanese?)” It was Xu’s turn to stun his friends and Tanaka himself. His Japanese was way beyond Jay and Lin-di’s comprehension. Tanaka, on the other hand, being Japanese himself, understood perfectly. “So no baai, wareware wa, eigo de kaiwa surudarou.” ( In that case, we will speak in English)
            He nodded in acknowledgement at Xu who bowed back and offered Tanaka a seat between himself and Hsiu Qing but Jay quickly stood up. His girlfriend’s beaming face was enough to make him deliver a welcome punch to Tanaka’s face.
            “Erm. Wait. It’s inconvenient to talk while there is distraction around. Xu, Di, I think we should do this in the conference room where it’s more convenient. What do you think?” Jay said hinting a threat to kill Xu should he disagree. He knew that Eri and Hsiu never objected or said anything to whatever decision Xu makes.
            The men moved to the conference room where they had a warm introduction between themselves and the whole campus. The first meeting did not go as well as Xu hoped it to be. Half of the time, they spent it on answering Tanaka’s ridiculous questions about the girls in the campus. The only one who seemed to be enjoying their time with Tanaka was Lin-di.
            ‘At least one of us is making use of the time spent. Sigh. Dumb rich man’s brat this fella. His big capacity brain must be filled with only planes, money and women. Seems to have loads of them in his mind right now.’ Xu thought quietly to himself. ‘He’s got everything he needs. He proves the phrase nothing is free in this world wrong.’

            Tanaka was never early for any meeting the following three weeks and they were quite behind in their work as Tanaka used most of their limited meeting hours entertaining the ladies. Furthermore, he had made Xu reschedule most of the arranged time to accommodate his flight schedule. A frustrated Xu had no choice but to diligently oblige. It was first class murder to Xu. He was on the verge of tearing Tanaka apart and he had never felt that way towards anyone at school before. He was determined to teach Tanaka some responsibility and so decided to have a little heart to heart chat with Tanaka and the SunBoys.
            “Great idea! I was hoping you’d come up with something brilliant. Xu. You never fail to amaze me every time! ” Lin-di said to Xu at the car park.
            “Yeah Xu. You always..” Jay continued but was interrupted by a call of a girl’s voice.
            “Xu-Sen Pai (senior)! Chotto! (Wait for me)” Kanna was running from the entrance of the school waving her hands in the air calling out to Xu. When she came to a halt, she was panting like a puppy. Kanna crouched with her hands on her chest and stomach and tried to catch her breath.
            Jay and Lin-di let out a chuckle and Xu could not help but smile and help Kanna up on her feet. She beamed as though an angel just touched her. Looking up at Xu, she thanked him and smiled. Xu, not knowingly blushed and smiled wryly at her. Jay and Lin-di gave each other a wicked smile and turned their backs on the two blushing ones, giving them the privacy they need.
            “Sen-Pai, I’m having a little trouble with my work. I was wondering if you could help me with it.  You said I could approach you if it had to do with my school work right?” Kanna asked Xu, hoping that he would agree to it.
            “Yes, I guess I did say that. Well, I’m sort of in a rush to get home about now. Can I meet you tomorrow in the evening? Or is it inconvenient for you?” Xu asked, leaned on his car trying to keep calm and look stylish. Kanna on the other hand was flying through clouds at his words.
            “Of course! No no.. It’s not at all convenie… I mean.. I’m alright with tomorrow evening. But.. Erm.. Where do we meet?” Kanna said, stumbling over her words. She looked up at Xu with an embarrassed smile and scratched her temporal. Xu thought she looked adorable, he chuckled to himself.
            “I’ll be meeting my friends tomorrow at Sakura Ville Hotel. The café inside the hotel. Been there before?” Xu asked.
            “Sakura.. Ville? Is that one of the hotels under the Yuchen Empire management? I’ve been there before. It was amazing, we went there for father’s birthday.Okay. I’ll meet you there say six? Is that ok?”Kanna’s excited seeped out of her every being.
            “Six is fine. I’ll see you there tomorrow then. Bring your materials.” Xu told her. His buddies were gaping with their jaws hanging at him in awe. Clearly they were dumb-stricken at Xu’s change of mind.
            “Hmmm. Jya Ne! Dewa Ashita! (Later then. See you tomorrow) Bye Bye!” Kanna then left the trio, running off into campus smiling at herself.
            When Xu stopped staring after Kanna, As calm as the ocean, he asked them what they were doing and hopped into his convertible, putting on his shades, trying to avoid their eyes.
            “Nan-ja Sore wa?! (What the hell was that?!)” They both yelled at him at the same time. “Did you just agree to go out on a date with Kanna?!”
            “Nande Mo Nai! (Nothing) Jya Ne! See you guys tomorrow alright. Don’t be late.” Xu said over his roaring engine. “Oh actually you can afford to be late. Tanaka will be. See you! Oh, and it’s not a date.”
            With that Xu sped off leaving the two dumb-founded and confused friends to figure out what happened themselves. Both of them were too shocked to comprehend anything, so Jay suggested to Lin-di that they too leave for home and to give each other a call later that evening.

            The next day in the late afternoon, they met up at a nearby café in a hotel which belonged to Xu. For once, to the trio’s amazement, Tanaka was the first to arrive. He was already sitting at the table they have reserved.
            Sakura Ville was a splendor to the eyes. A magnificent replica of an enchanted era. A fairytale land in reality to some. It was no wonder everyone wanted to live there. But to see Tanaka early for the first time superseded the enchanting view of the hotel. It was like a miracle to the Sunboys.
            “Surprised to see me here so early?” Tanaka asked as though reading the minds of the trio, who looked a little embarrassed at his question.
            “Well we just thought that you’d arrive at you know.. The.. Er.. You..” Lin-di stammered but could not find the proper words to construct his sentence.
            “Ha ha ha. Never mind. I understand. Well.. Actually I just came back from Thailand. Just got off the flight when I received your message Xu, so I thought I’d drop in early for a change. Did not even change out of my uniform yet.” Tanaka explained looking around at the interior design of the hotel before turning to Xu. “It’s really something. This Sakura Ville. She’s gorgeous. Great job.”
            “Thank you. It was my late father’s efforts. I’m just maintaining his dreams. Oka (mother) loved this place too.” Xu said to Tanaka who seemed so attentive compared to the usual meetings.
            The trio and Tanaka chatted for a while before they got to their real agenda and for the first time, Xu saw a side of Tanaka he never thought existed in the first place. He seemed more diligent, hardworking, co-operative and productive. It was so much better that way. It made him wonder if Tanaka had a twin or split personality.
            The Sunboys and Tanaka were so busy that they had forgotten that they wanted to lecture Tanaka about being responsible and Xu completely lost track of the time until he heard a familiar voice and a tap on his shoulder. Kanna had already arrived. Xu slapped his forehead in disbelief and apologized.
            “Never mind. I was here half an hour ago. But you were so busy, I did not want to disturb you.” Kanna explained beaming at her senior. She looked a little different from at school. Kanna did not have her hair tied in two ponytails like she does at school, but wore her jet-black hair down and was wearing make-up. She was stunning. The boys at the table stared in disbelief.
            Xu blushed and smiled in embarrassment and apologized to her again before formally introducing her to the table. Jay and Lin-di shook her hand smiled at Xu with raised eyebrows whilst Tanaka was staring at Kanna in awe and adore. Like Xu, Tanaka too thought that Kanna looked stunning. Xu had to clear his throat loud before he came around and stood up to introduce himself.
            “Watashi wa Hishedori Tanaka. You can call me Tanaka. I haven’t seen you while I was at campus. Were you hiding?” he said, still holding on to her handshake and gazing dreamily into her eyes.
            “Maybe we missed each other. My friends have been talking about you all the time. Most of the seniors are talking about you too. You are as good looking as they said.” Kanna told Tanaka, him already beaming with pride.
            Xu, in a corner, could not help but feel a twinge of jealousy at Kanna’s praises for Tanaka. Xu winced and interrupted their chat.
            “Well. Kanna, we’d better get started or you won’t get back home on time.” Xu reasoned before turning to his friends and Tanaka. “I’m sorry guys but we’ll have to do this some other time. I promised Kanna I’d help her. You guys go ahead. I‘ll call you later tonight.”
            “Okay Bye Xu, Bye Kanna.” Jay and Lin-di said to the two.
            “Bye Kanna. We’ll meet again soon?” Tanaka said to Kanna winking at her. Kanna turned bright red and looked down at her shoes. Xu felt a pang of jealousy, this time more obvious that Jay and Lin-di had to do something. They dragged Tanaka away from the two and left.
            Tanaka, Jay and Lin-di left the hotel, leaving the two alone at the table. Xu could not bring himself to look at Kanna in the eyes after such an embarrassing and childish display of behaviour. He sat down for a breather and sipped on his coffee staring out of the glass windows which gave a panoramic view of the school and the mountains behind it.
            Kanna was still standing at the side of the table, starring at her feet looking nonchalant and scared. She thought that she had done something wrong that upset Xu. Kanna hugged her books and file tight, tears starting to sting her eyes, she turned red. Xu looked up when he heard sniffling and was shocked to see Kanna still standing, with tears flowing down her cheeks. Xu’s eyes widened with horror and panic. He stood up and went over to her side.
            “Kanna! Doushita? (What’s wrong) Why are you crying? Have I done something wrong?” Xu asked confused and bending slightly forward to look at Kanna’s face, his hands in his trousers’ pocket.
            “Huh? I thought I had done something wrong. Sen-Pai was looking angry and did not even glance at me. I thought I have done something to upset you. Sen-Pai, if you didn’t like me mixing around with Tanaka, I won’t.” Kanna said looking into Xu’s eyes meaning every word she said.
            “Kanna, I’m not angry. Just… tired. That’s all. I have no right to tell you who you should be friends with. I’m not angry with you. Alright?” Xu comforted Kanna with his hands over her shoulder, leading her to her chair. “Come and have a seat and order something for yourself.”
            The two had dinner before starting on Kanna’s subjects which were as easy as reciting the alphabets to Xu. They had quite a time themselves, laughing and learning at the same time. Kanna was of course very proud and ecstatic having got to spend time with Xu and Xu on the other hand felt so happy after so many days of frustration thanks to Tanaka.
            When the two finally looked at their watches, it was already ten. Kanna packed up her books and file, thanked Xu and was ready to go.
            “How are you getting home?” Xu asked, concerned.
            “I’ll hail a cab. It’s easy to get a cab around here. I have to go now. Thanks for the dinner and thanks for tutoring me. I’ll see you at campus tomorrow then. I guess. Bye!” she said turning on her heels but stopped when Xu called her.
            “Don’t. You’re not going anywhere alone at this hour. Come. I’ll drop you on my way home. Come on.” Xu said making it sound more like an order rather than an offer. Kanna could only stare at him in disbelief and nodded her head in agreement. Xu has never offered a ride in his car except Jay and Lin-di to anyone else at campus, much less a girl. Kanna was flying without wings at his invitation but she intended to keep the invitation matter to herself.
            The two went to Xu’s car and sped off. All the way back home after dropping off Kanna, Xu smiled to himself and hummed to whatever tune that was playing on the radio.

*          *          *
“What’s gotten in to you? You’ve been smiling to yourself ever since you got home. Is there something that you’re not telling me about?” Mei asked her brother who was still smiling at the sky, shaking his legs.
            The two siblings were sitting by the estate’s outdoor pool staring at the stars, scattered on the velvet blue night sky, twinkling like little bits of diamonds. The night breeze was so refreshing that it made anyone there want to stay up throughout the night.
            “GE!” Mei called out, snapping Xu back into reality. “Spill. I know you are hiding something. Otherwise you wouldn’t have asked me out to accompany you star gazing at this hour, two am in the morning, ON A SCHOOL NIGHT.”
            “Nothing. I just had a great day at school. That’s all. How was school? Haven’t really got the time to ask you about school these few days because of that dumb project.” Xu said to Mei hoping to draw her attention away from himself.
            “Well, I have been getting a lot of extra help and coaching from the teachers. Really helps. I’ve missed out a lot while I was away at the hospital.” Mei explained.
            “Oh yeah? That’s good then. Good luck. I’m sure you will manage this easily. You’re smart. How are things with friends?” Xu asked his little sister.
            “Thanks for the encouragement and the word is FRIEND. Not friends. I’ve only got just one friend at campus. That’s Jingmei and she is doing fine. Just went out for lunch with her this afternoon at the mall and Jun Yin and his band of idiots were also there.” Mei told Xu, her tone rising with irritation. “Did I mention how irritating they were? Argh. If I could, I’d kill him with my own bare hands.”
            “You don’t mean that. That kid seems to show interest in you. Is he like you know.. your..” Xu teased but was cut short by Mei.
            “No. If he is, that’ll only give me more reason to kill him. Ge.. How can you say such an unfortunate thing? I was having a perfect week.” Mei said. Xu looked surprised. That would be the first time Mei had ever said she was enjoying herself at school. He sat upright and looked at Mei with eyes wide open. Mei glanced at him and rested her head against her hands which were crossed behind her neck.
            “Now don’t you get any funny ideas that I was talking about school because I’m not. Well, it is about school but only a small portion why I’m having a great week.” she began and smiled when Xu’s shoulder drooped as he laid back on his beach chair letting out a sigh of disappointment. “I’ve been winning in my races this week and plus, our little varsity team has finally decided to stay out of my face. What could be more perfect than that?”
            “Why would anyone want to do that?” Xu asked, obviously already knowing the fact that Mei had frightened Cai Ye earlier in school. Xu laughed and looked at Mei. “Why would anyone want to be away from my gentle, darling and adorable little sister? I cannot have this! I must see her parents at once!” Mei burst out laughing at her brother’s straight face as he uttered all the rubbish. Xu could not resist but had to laugh along with Mei.
            “Cai Ye was a vegetable! She looked like a moron with all those colorful clips and ribbons in her hair. I mean.. Have you seen a vegetable wearing clips and hair accessories?! Mei said, laughing even louder.
            Xu scratched his chin and wore a thinking face. “Hmmm.. Maybe she wants to be a dressed salad. Get it?”
            The two went silent before bursting out in a fit of laughter. Their laughter echoed throughout the estate and it took them very painful side stitches before their laughter died down. When they both had settled down, they laid back on their beach chairs, still breathing hard. Mei and Xu stared quietly at the sparkling stars above them. Mei stretched her hand out towards the sky and spoke to her brother.
            “Ge.. You still haven’t told me why you have been smiling since you got home.”
            “Huh?” Xu closed his eyes and pictured Kanna laughing. Yet he was so confused himself, not knowing what about her that made him so happy. “Nothing. I was smiling about my project. It’s finally making more progress. I am happy that Tanaka..” he paused and felt that jealousy all over again. “… that Tanaka is finally paying attention to the project.”
            “Wow. He’s that negligent huh, this Tanaka.” Mei asked. The name itself caught her attention. In an instant, she showed immense interest to know more about Tanaka. She thought about the stranger she met outside her school while waiting for Xu. His face and smile still fresh in her memory like it just happened moments ago even though a few weeks have passed now. She wondered if he still remembered her.
            Xu told Mei about Tanaka’s nonsensical behaviour while at the meetings and his sudden change that day. Mei only nodded and chuckled at her brother’s frustrated tone. It made Xu looked at her as though she had gone mad.
            “What is so funny about someone being so irresponsible? Or are you laughing at my misery?” Xu asked sitting upright.
            “Sharp as usual Yuchen Xu! Haha! Looks like you’re the one who will need all the good luck!” Mei said clutching her stomach and laughing.
            “Oh shut up Mei. Don’t rub salt on an already broken wound alright?” Xu said folding his arms across his chest.
            “OK Ok. Oh. By the way, I won’t be going to school tomorrow. I have a race at dawn. A dumb psycho wants to take on our team and challenged me to a one on one. So I’ll be skipping school for a day alright? I won’t get hurt.” Mei promised her brother.
            “Are you seeking permission or are you telling me your decision?” Xu asked raising his eyebrows at his sister.
            “Telling you.” Mei said looking her brother straight in his eyes. Xu nodded in approval although he did not have a good feeling about it. Mei winked at him before the two sibling decided to jump into the chilly pool water to have a crazy race across the fifteen yard pool.

*          *          *

            “Ridiculous! You should have seen him Xu! The way he was with the girls. Unbelievably disgusting if you ask me.” Jay said when Xu arrived in the cafeteria that afternoon.
            “What is it that he has done this time? Will you be precise?” Xu asked. “We do not want to make false accusations towards our guest.”
            “He seems completely different from yesterday. I’m telling you Xu, maybe it wasn’t him we met yesterday.” Lin-Di added. Xu only chuckled at the statement.
            “Yeah. He flirted around with Eri and Hsiu the whole time when you weren’t around and the thing is, the girls seemed to be enjoying it!” Jay complained.
            The Sunboys were in the cafeteria that early afternoon having their lunch, or at least they were trying to have lunch. Xu, for the first time ever arrived late because of the late night he had yesterday. The meeting had gone on without him and obviously gone wrong. Jay had a hard time restraining Tanaka’s attention.
            “Eri and Hsiu have been talking about him non-stop. We’re getting sick of it. Honestly Xu.” Jay said.
            “You won’t believe this but his been around campus looking for Kanna, Xu. He’s been pestering her ever since yesterday. You’ve got competition. Why don’t you do something about it?” Lin-di said.
            Xu winced at Kanna’s name and his grip on the metal chair tightened as he looked away from his friends eyes before he spoke. “Kanna is not my girlfriend. Who flirts with her and who she has decided to entertain has got nothing to do with me. She can be Tanaka’s girlfriend.”
            “Huh? Then what was yesterday all about? You looked as though you were going to punch him. Right Di?” Jay said, pretending to not know.
            “Yeah. Had Tanaka held on to Kanna’s hand any longer, you’d have killed him wouldn’t you? Even before that, at the car park. It was the first time you blushed in front of a girl. Hah! Don’t deny it.” Lin-di added on.
            “Mo ii! Damare yo Omaiwa! (That’s enough, shut up the both of you)” Xu scolded his two friends who fell silent for two seconds before they started laughing their hearts out at Xu’s frustrated expression. Their laughter attracted the whole cafeteria’s attention and Xu had to look away in embarrassment only to add on to it. As if on cue, as he turned away, he saw Kanna approaching towards their table smiling cheerfully, waving at him.
            Xu’s eyes immediately widened with horror and without hesitation, he turned back to his friends face blushing and panic-stricken. Jay and Lin-Di caught sight of their friend’s expression and laughed even louder at their satisfaction.
            “Sure you care nuts about Kanna. Then why do you look red like an apple now? That’s saying a lot you know.” Jay teased. Xu only kept quiet and closed his eyes as Kanna approached closer.
            “Yo! Minna! (everyone) Sorry if I am disturbing you guys or anything. Sen-Pai, I just wanted to give this to you.” Kanna said to the Sunboys then handing a wrapped gift to Xu. He reluctantly accepted the gift and thanked her. He was glad that she was not at all what Jay and Lin-Di said earlier, hanging around Tanaka. “You’re welcome. By the way, Sen-Pai, have you er.. By any chance seen Tanaka Sen-Pai?”
            Xu gritted his teeth and looked at Kanna before he got on his feet. Unknowingly, he was enraged at the fact that Kanna was looking for Tanaka, proving Jay and Lin-di right. He then faced his friends and told them he had to leave. Kanna was shocked and retreated, taking a step back. Jay grabbed Xu’s hand and beckoned him to sit down. Xu resisted until Jay raised his voice and repeated himself, more forcefully this time.
            “I am so sorry. That was not what I meant. He came to look for me just now and he left his watch with my senior. She asked me to return it to him for her. That’s all . I wasn’t looking for him myself. I swear!” Kanna explained on the verge of tears.
            “It’s okay Kanna. You don’t have to explain or apologize about anything. I think we’ve heard enough. Haven’t we Xu?” Lin-Di said.
            “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to react like that. I’m sorry if I frightened you. I don’t know what just came over me. I don’t mean to be rude or anything. I misunderstood myself.” Xu said embarrassed and feeling humiliated by his own reaction, he sat and kept quiet.
            Kanna left the watch with Jay and smiled at Lin-di. She apologized and thanked Xu again before leaving the cafeteria still confused and scared. Jay waited until Kanna was out of their sight before he turned to Xu with a murderous face. He took a deep breath and spoke.
            “What the hell was that Xu?? She barely asked where Tanaka was and you got upset? Oh wait a minute. VERY upset? I thought you said you didn’t care about whether.. “ Jay started.
            “I DON’T KNOW ALRIGHT! I don’t know what just happened.” Xu yelled at the two shocked friends. It was not the first time Xu had lost his temper but it was the first that it was because of a girl, other than Mei. Jay kept quiet and looked away.
            “I’m sorry. I really don’t know what came over me. I really have no idea. Maybe I’m just tired and lacking of sleep.” Xu tried to reason but he knew deep inside it was not true and Lin-di saw right through him.
            “Nope! I don’t think so. I think you like Kanna, Xu. You wouldn’t be so defensive if you weren’t. Am I not right? He makes you so jealous, that Tanaka, when he is around Kanna. Doesn’t it? We saw you tightened your grip when she said his name.” Lin-di said.
            Jay smiled at Lin-di and looked as though he was thinking. “Yeah.. Come to think of it, I thought you said you would never be able to give her what she wanted. So what’s this?” Jay added.
            Xu rolled his eyes in disbelief and shook his head. He could not believe that Jay and Lin-di would easily forget that he had just yelled at them and was smiling wickedly all over again.
            “I hate to say this Xu but you do like Kanna, don’t you? Even after all that you’ve said and denied. You..” Jay started all over again.
            “YAKAMASHI! (stop your yapping) I don’t have any answers and if there is anything I am certain about it’s that between me and Kanna, nothing is possible alright?” Xu said trying to defend himself but the two was not about to give up without a battle. Lin-di reached across the table and grabbed Kanna’s gift. Xu tried to snatch it back but Lin-di was way faster than Xu. He passed the wrapped gift to Jay who undid the wrapping and Lin-di read the content of the card aloud.
                        Thank you for tutoring me last evening. Sorry to trouble you for the ride home. I had a great time and I also learnt a lot. Thank you.

PS: Enjoy the chocolates. They’re your favourite.”
            Xu had his hands in his face by the time Lin-di finished reading the card. He and Jay looked each other and smiled before turning to Xu with a betrayed expression on their faces.
            “You gave her a ride home? Had a great time? When were you planning to tell us? I thought you said we were the only ones who will ride your convertible. Obviously have changed your mind yesterday haven’t you?” Jay said.
            “It was already ten. I couldn’t have let her go home by herself could I?” Xu defended himself but his words fell upon deaf ears.
            “Still, had fun? Weren’t you supposed to be studying?” Jay continued.
            “We WERE studying. Just laughed at jokes. That’s all. Nothing more than that.” Xu said.
            “Favourite chocolates? I didn’t know who had a preferred type. You never told us about it and look! It’s dark chocolates, and monsieur, this happens to be France’s finest, exquisite and expensive chocolates!” Lin-di said to Xu holding up the box with Jay.
            “I told her yesterday because she asked. How am I supposed to know that she’d buy it for me? I merely told her for her info. That’s all. Stop all this nonsense.” Xu told the two grabbing back the card and chocolates out of their hands.
            Jay and Lin-di laughed their hearts out when they felt that they had tortured Xu enough. Seriously, Xu did not expect Kanna to present him with such expensive gift. As the two friends laughed at Xu’s misery and their victory, Eri and Hsiu Qing made their way to the Sunboys’ table and gave their boyfriends a quick peck on their cheeks.
            “Have you guys seen Tanaka?” Eri asked Lin-di teasingly. They stopped laughing and the trio looked at each other.
            “Oh God!” the trio cried out loud together in unison.
            “I will die in peace the day that man’s name is not called out by my woman!” Jay added.
            “Sou yo! (right)” Lin-di agreed.
            Hsiu and Eri laughed at the boys and joined them for lunch. To make things worst, Eri and Hsiu kept on ranting about how adorable and cool it was Tanaka being a pilot and all. Jay and Lin-di could no longer stand the humiliation and got on their feet. Xu smiled in satisfaction and shot them a “You-deserve-this-retribution” look.
            “Where do you think you’re going?” Hsiu asked. He was so enraged that he had nothing to say. He did not even look at her as she spoke. Realizing this, Hsiu smiled  sheepishly and tugged on his trousers’ pocket. “I was just teasing, WE were just teasing the both of you.”
            “Yes. No hard feelings.” Eri reassured, tugging on Lin-di’s cuffs. “Sorry. It won’t happen again.”
            The two sighed and took their seats still not talking to their girlfriends. The two thought of ways they could avoid arguments between themselves and to safeguard their relationship.
            “Hey, I know this might not be the perfect time for this question but I was just wondering, what are your opinions of Tanaka?” Xu asked out of a sudden, surprising Jay and Lin-di. They had wanted to yell at Xu for his insensitivity but there was not a trace of it in Xu’s voice and facial expressions, so they trusted him. But when Xu saw Eri and Hsiu Qing opening their mouths to say something, Xu cut them short. “Err.. Not you two. We ALL know what you think of him. I was talking to Jay and Lin-di. So.. No need for your comments.”
            “Hmmm.. Personally I think he is very sociable and friendly with everyone. Though he is tactless and ignorant, his ways are such that no one can stay angry at him for very long.” Lin-Di said.
            “Tanaka sure is dreamy and seems to be the dream of every girl..” Jay began, noticing the sparkling twinkle in their girlfriends’ eyes at his words. Jay gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. “..but I think he really is very smart. Did you notice how productive he was yesterday? The way he brainstormed all those innovative ideas? Wow. Excellent man..”
            “Yeah. The project depends a lot on us and him. I believe that if he continues to play the way he did yesterday, we’ll ace this one for sure. Only if we could get him to do it more often. Maybe campus isn’t the best place to hold our discussions.” Xu said.
            “We agree.” Jay and Lin-di said in unison, knowing that their girlfriends were staring hard at them. If looks could kill, they’d be dead.
            “Why not change the venue? School is clearly not convenient.” Lin-di suggested for which he got a hard nudge in the ribs by Eri in return. Lin-di ignored her.
            “Hmm.. How about..” Xu began as he thought of suggesting the Sakura Ville for their meeting venues when his mobile phone rang. The phone call was from Ruo De, Mei’s biker friends.
            Xu’s expression fell and so did his mobile phone to the ground from his hands. It dismantled into parts as Xu stared into space, face panic-stricken, speechless and pale. Tears ran down his cheeks as he muttered her name. “Mei.”

Xu’s day had turned completely haywire. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him and burst into the hospital lobby. He was sweating profusely and looked terrible. His hair was all over the place and his shirt drenched in his sweat. He could cared less about his appearance right about then, all he wanted to do was to find his sister.
            Xu frantically squeezed his way through the crowd, pushing everyone in his way, not even bothering about his manners. He just wanted to get to the counter and his sister. He was breathing hard by the time he reached the counter. The clerks at the counter were taken aback by his appearance.
            “Yuchen. Yuchen Mei. Can you tell me where she is?” Xu told the counter clerks amidst his efforts in regulating his breathing. The counter clerks clicked furiously on their keyboards and gave him directions. Without missing a beat, he thanked them and rushed off running towards his destination. Mei.
            Every step and breath he took came with a prayer and hopes that his sister would be alright, safe and alive. Xu recalled everything Ruo De had said while they were speeding in his car to the hospital.
            After receiving Ruo De’s phone call, Xu left his friends without a word and raced to his car and left the campus. He picked Ruo De up along the way and drove to the National State Hospital like mad.
            “What happened?” Xu asked, his eyes filled with anger and fear.
            “Mei was acting a little weird after she lost the race. I believe she already mentioned it. So she arranged another race this afternoon.” Ruo De explained, fearing that Xu would kill him any moment.
            “Then?” Xu’s tone was begging for more detail from Ruo De.
            “Then she went home to change into her gear and took her bike. We tried talking her out of it, I swear, but she refused to listen. She said that she was in a bad mood and it was better if we NOT try to talk her out of it again.” Ruo De explained, noticing that Xu’s grip on the steering wheel had tightened and his driving speed had increased. Ruo De held on tightly to the door handles. “I rode alongside of Mei when we made our way there. She told me that she was feeling a little woozy so I told her for the last time not to go ahead with the race. It only made her drove faster. Then when we came to a junction, her bike skidded and she flew off of her bike and hit a lamp post. The bike burnt and Mei was bleeding and unconscious when I came to her side. I took her on my bike and quickly rode there. She flew at least ten yards from her bike. The doctors took her into the OT immediately and asked me to contact Mei’s next of kin at once, so I called you and Jingmei.”

            Xu’s heart race as he approached Mei’s room. Through the glass window, he saw his sister lying on the bed, unconscious and pale. She had oxygen therapy and was monitored by machines far too complex for him to understand. The anger and fear he had felt earlier was overcome by sorrow and pair, so much pain that death would have been beautiful and perfect in comparison. He could only stare at his sister’s broken body in silence. When he had gathered enough courage, he slowly made his way to the door handle, each step more painful than the last. With hesitation, he turned the handle open.
            Jingmei, who was already there earlier, was sitting on the sofa, weeping her eyes out. The beeping of the machines denoting that Mei was still alive, relieved part of Xu’s worries. Still he inched closer to his sister, each step taking ages to occur. Jingmei stood up when she noticed Xu’s presence. Xu’s world was spinning faster than he could hold his ground, he felt dizzy and his whole body tilting to his side. Jingmei rushed to Xu’s aid when she saw him trying to steady himself. She tried helping him to a chair to which he refused to sit down at first. He stared at his sister’s broken body, arms in bandages and her left leg in a cast, face was bruised, but not as bad as her abdomen. Her left arm had stitches too. Xu then slumped into the chair and let the tears which he had so hard tried to stop, flow down his cheeks. He covered his face and wept uncontrollably, disregarding Jingmei’s presence. Jingmei was crushed to see Xu cry and so went over to his side to comfort him.
            When Xu had stopped crying, Jingmei had already left for home. Xu was alone with Mei and all he could do was stare at his sister in silence, hoping that she would open her eyes or move her fingers and call out his name, but she did not.
            “Why is it that every misfortune should befall her? Why is that Mei has to go through all this pain and not me?” Xu said to himself. “Heaven is so unfair. You took my parents away from me. You cannot take my sister away. She’s the only one I have left in this world. She’s the only reason I look forward to meeting tomorrow. If you take her away, please let me come too.”
            His heart crushed and burned in sorrow as he watched over his sister in silence throughout the night. His solitude was as painful as a thousand knives plunging into his heart not knowing when his sister would wake up. He prayed it would be sooner than later so that he could once again look into his sister’s eyes and tell her that he loved her and that he’d do anything for her. That she meant the world to him and that it hurts to see her in pain, in tears and in sorrow. More sorrowful it was to not be able to hear her voice again. Xu stepped out of Mei’s room and leaned against the wall, punching in Jay and Lin-Di’s number on his mobile phone.
            “You’ll have to postpone all the meetings. I might not be around for quite a while, but that’s not certain yet. Mei’s not good at all. I don’t know when she’ll be up and I want to be there when she does. I’m sorry guys.” Xu explained. Jay and Lin-di said nothing as he hung up.
            Xu closed his eyes, which were swollen from all the crying and rested his head against the wall for a few minutes before entering Mei’s room again. Xu carried the chair to be closer to his sister and sat down. Clasping her hand in his, Xu spoke.
            “Wake up Mei. I wished all this had happened to me instead. All your sorrows and pain should be mine, not yours. What is it that you have done that heaven must punish you this way? It is not fair.” Xu put their hands closer to his chin and ran his free hand’s fingers through his sister’s hair. “Mei, I know you can hear me. Wake up Mei. Don’t leave me here alone. I cannot be without you. I cannot smile when you’re not around. You cannot leave me, Mei. You promised me you won’t.”
            Tears were cascading down his cheeks like waterfall. They still were as he rested his head beside Mei, still holding on to her hand. “You cannot leave me Mei, You cannot leave me.” He repeated those words, never before feeling so lost and weak. He felt so alone and helpless he wanted to die. His heart ached so much that he wanted to rip it apart and throw it away. His head throbbed like crazy, Xu wanted to bang his head on the wall till it bled. If only he had the energy to do it. He was drained of all his energy from all that crying and worrying. Xu fell asleep still muttering to himself. The headlight of the hospital bed was the only light which shone on the two siblings. Deep inside Xu’s heart he said to himself. “A greater ray of light will shine on us Mei, it will. A light so bright we’ll never be in darkness and sorrow again, Mei. Never.”
            The sun rose early next morning, its rays peeping through the little spaces in between the blinds, shining into Mei’s eyes. She winced and stirred, aching in pain and suddenly realizing how painful it was to breathe. She started to gain her consciousness little by little. Every breath she took was pure effort and he head throbbed, spinning and spinning. While trying to shake herself out of the spin, her finger clutched around Xu’s as she called out his name.
            “Mei?” Xu woke up instantly and looked at her. A smile spread across his face as he saw his sister’s eyes open, looking back at him. “Mei! You’re awake! Oh Mei!”
            Xu was over the moon. Heavens had answered his prayers and his sister was alright, looking at him. He held his sister’s hand and kissed it, tears of joy rolling down his cheeks. He kissed his sister’s forehead and looked into her eyes. Mei’s corner of her lips curled into a half-smile. She too was already weeping, both in joy and pain.
            Xu fussed around when he saw Mei wincing in pain. He called for the nurses so many times, Mei was starting to get embarrassed at his anxiety.
            “Ge, you don’t have to call them so many times. They do have other things to do rather than tend to me alone. There are ten patients here right, in this ward? All in more serious condition as compared to me perhaps.. Given them a break. You can take care of me can’t you?” Mei reasoned. Xu calmed down and nodded at his sister. By that afternoon, Mei was already sitting upright in bed talking to him as though nothing had happened. Mei could not remember a single detail about the incident and asked Xu to tell her about it.
            By the time Xu was done with his story, the doctor came in and assessed Mei while Xu waited outside. It took a hefty half an hour before the team came out of Mei’s room. Xu rushed to them and asked about his sister.
            “Your sister is recovering far better than we expected. Her ability to withstand all that pain is excellent. Most people would still be in bed recovering and some still even unconscious because of the pain. Mei is very strong.” The doctor explained. Xu was beaming with pride and relief. “However, we must keep her here for a few days for observation. Tell me Mr Yuchen, has she had any traumatic experiences in the past?”
            Xu’s smiled disappeared instantly and he fell silent, not knowing whether or not he should be revealing his past, but when he saw the doctors’ concerned faces, he gave in and told them everything. He then asked them why they asked.
            “Oh, before we entered the OT itself when anesthesia was about to be given, your sister was semi-conscious and he called out a couple of people’s names not to leave her, Linda and Daddy. Was she talking about your parents?” The doctor asked.
            Xu nodded and remained silent. The doctor tapped in shoulder as a sign of encouragement and Xu smiled half-heartedly.
            “You should be happy that she’s well now. You may go in and see her now. She must be wondering why you are taking too long of a time to come in and see her.”
            With that, the team of doctors left to Xu to be alone. Mei was munching on some biscuits that Xu had bought for her. She looked so innocent and pure Xu could not have believed that she was still so affected. He stood at the doorway staring at his sister.
            “What are you doing there standing like a statue, looking at me like that?” Mei asked. “I know I don’t look as gorgeous as I usually do but there’s no need to be so rude as to stare Xu.”
            “No. You don’t look gorgeous at all. Did you know how worried I was? I don’t get a thank you or an apology but ‘there’s-no-need-to-be-rude-as-to-stare-Xu’?” Xu teased Mei. “You’re unbelievable Mei.”
            “I know I am.” Mei replied nonchalantly.
            “And for that, you are not allowed to race for at least three months. No riding either.” Xu warned.
            “Perfect timing. It’ll be three months by the time this stupid cast can be removed anyway. I’ll be okay by then. Haha.. “Mei chuckled satisfied with herself.
            “Oh no, you don’t. The time ground is to start after your cast has been removed. Not from now.” Xu smiled with satisfaction and feeling victorious. Mei’s smile disappeared and she looked away from Xu in frustration and sulked. Her arms folded across her chest. Xu only laughed at his sister, feeling so glad that he was able to see her smile, laugh and sulk all in one day. Mei was back.
            Days passed like nothing at all. Mei recovered fast and well by the end of the week and was begging the doctors to let her go home earlier. Not even one day did Xu left Mei to spend her time by herself. Mei had to chase Xu away sometimes to be by herself. Xu did not feel offended but glad that Mei was being herself.
           When the doctors allowed her to be discharged, Mei yelled in glee and packed her things almost immediately. There was so much to pack. Xu had brought in her CD player and videos for her when he had to leave for the office or campus.

*          *          *

            After almost a week away from home, Mei was finally returning to her beloved residence, she was finally coming home. She was so excited to be returning home. With Xu. To be with Xu. The residence was as welcoming and gorgeous as ever. Exactly the same cheery mansion but to Mei’s surprise with additional cars parked outside their home.
            Xu refused to tell Mei his plans when she had asked to whom the cars belonged to. After a few unsuccessful tries, she gave up and entered her house. Balloons flew and crackers popped loudly. Mei retreated when she saw people inside her house. Jay and Lin-di greeted them at the door with crackers and smiles, each giving Mei a welcome-home kiss on her cheeks. The house was decorated with balloons and streamers and a huge banner in the background with the words “Welcome Home Mei” printed on it. Jingmei, Jun Yin, Fa Yun and Hun Fa were also there. Jingmei ran to give Mei a bear hug and a kiss on her cheeks too.
            The crowd was definitely not what Mei expected at all. She was stunned and speechless when everyone had become silent, waiting for her  reaction. Mei stood rooted to the ground still at loss for words.
            “I.. I.. Er.. Thank you everybody. This was very nice.” Mei said sincerely, still in a daze. The house became silent before Hun Fa spoke.
            “That’s it? Thank you? That was very nice? Come on Mei, you can do better than that.” he said trying to sound disappointed.
            “Hun Fa, that was very rude. Give her a break. She just came home. A welcoming troupe was probably the last thing she expected. Xu-Ge probably didn’t mention it to her. But she’s happy. Aren’t you Mei?” Jun Yin on Mei’s defense. Mei was surprised that Jun Yin said something in her defense. For once, he was right.
            “Yeah. I am. Just speechless. That’s all.” Mei assured. “Really you guys. I’m really touched.”
            Indeed she was. Mei had never noticed she had so many people caring for her. She was on the verge of tears of gratitude, when Xu entered the house. Mei caught her brother’s hand and embraced him tightly. “Thank you, for being my brother.”
            Xu although shocked yet surprised, hugged her in return and held her for a few moments. Their guests stared at them in envy and happiness. For the both of them.
            “Come. Dinner’s ready. Let’s all have dinner together. We’ll chat during dinner. Hurry or the food will get cold.” Xu said pulling away from the embrace and leading their guests to the dining hall. Jun Yin and Jingmei helped Mei, who was walking with crutches.
            The dining table glowed beautifully under the spotlights and candles complete with sparkling wine glasses. They weren’t sitting at the normal round table that Xu and Mei usually used but at the formal dining table. The one the two siblings had used when their parents were still around. Xu stared at the table for a few moments before he sat down. He noticed that Mei had not paid any attention to the memories of the table. The company had dinner with soft music playing in the background. They chatted happily enjoying each other’s company and not to mention the delicious pasta and wine. Mei had never felt so much happiness and so much cheer and voices in her house before. Usually, it was just her and Xu keeping each other company. But no, they had friends with them.
            When dinner was done and over with, Jingmei and Jun Yin helped Mei up to her room, along with their other two friends while the Sunboys headed for the guestroom for a game of pool.
            “What’s going on with the project? Is everything alright?” Xu asked his friends.
            “Xu. What has come over you? You told us to put all the meetings on hold first. Remember?” Jay reminded him. “Besides, you were hardly in campus long enough for us to discuss about it and Tanaka only got back yesterday.”
            “Oh yeah. Can’t believe I forgot all about it. Sorry.” Xu told Jay. He was not focused at all. Be it  the game or their conversation.
            “Xu, stop. I think we should sit down and talk. You’re not playing well, I hate winning against nothing. Besides you’re talking as good as you’re playing.” Lin-di said, looking right through Xu’s trouble thoughts. “Come on.”
            Xu was grateful for Lin-di’s attention and ability to pick up his mood. The trio sat down at a coffee table and had sodas to go along with their conversation.
            “Okay, shoot. Everything on your mind.” Jay said.
            “Well actually, I was thinking about the project and Mei. She’ll be alone at home most of the time and school is already taking my time. I was just wondering if we could hold the meetings here at my place, so I can keep an eye on her at the same time. But it’s a lot of trouble for you guys isn’t it?” Xu spilled, then smiling sheepishly, waiting for his friends to scold him for his selfish intentions.
            “Excellent. Once again, Yuchen Xu has come up with the perfect solution to the problem.” Jay said snapping his fingers, smiling and winking at Xu.
            “Great one does it again. Saving the Sunboys’ bottom all at once.” Lin-di added, making the trio laugh at his statement. Xu smiled and looked at his friends gratefully.
            “Hey. You know what? Eri and Hsiu won’t have anything to talk about then. Ha! WE, wont’ have to see him flirt with our girls ever again! Oh this is just too great!” Jay pointed out, getting a nod from Lin-di who then added while looking cheekily at Xu.
            “…Plus he won’t get a chance to be anywhere near Kanna. My, my Xu. You HAVE thought about this carefully, haven’t you?”
            Xu rolled his eyes and shook his head, but it was not all untrue, what Lin-di said. He was thinking, about Kanna. It had been almost a week since he last saw her. He wondered how she was, what she was doing and remembered the fun they had at Sakura Ville. He tried to shake himself out of the memory and thought to himself.
            “Why AM I thinking about Kanna? She’s my junior and I treat her like a.. like a.. er..” Xu was not able to bring himself to say the word ‘sister’ like he did when he first met her. “Has she become something else to me? Something just more than a sister? Oh no. This cannot be right. Mei’s not feeling well. I shouldn’t be selfish with my needs. No, Kanna is not.”
            “XU!” Jay yelled, snapping him back into reality. “What’s gotten in to you? We were just saying, Kanna was asking about you during your absence. She asks if you were alright.”
            “She really likes you Xu. Give her a chance. You did have a lot of fun with her didn’t you?” Lin-di said.
            “Not this, not now okay? Mei…” Xu started to explain but was cut off by Jay who held up his palm.
            “Mei.. Is doing fine. Didn’t you see how happy she was just now?” Jay said. “She’s fine. You need to give her some space to grow. You love her and she loves you too Mei, I envy you. A man needs a woman’s love Xu. Not the kind Mei gives  but I’m talking about.. You know what I am talking about.”
            “…and you think that Kanna will be able to?” Xu asked.
            Neither one of his friends tried to answer his question. The trio fell silent. It was uncomfortable silence, but it was unavoidable too. It was ages and Xu thought of Jay’s words.
            “Maybe he is right. When I am with Kanna, all my troubles seemed distant. She makes smile and laugh. I love Mei, very much. But Kanna is different. She’s just different.”
            “Hey… let’s not brood. Let’s play pool.” Lin-di said, trying to cheer up the mood.
            “Okay. Great idea. Oh yeah, will someone inform Tanaka of the changes? Give him a call or something.” Xu said to his friends, who both seemed reluctant. “I’m not going to. Oh and tell him the next meeting date is in a month’s time.”
            “Why not make it two months? We could use the time for the other committee meetings? The one month break won’t be enough.” Lin-di suggested but Xu argued that then, the project might be jeopardized.
            “So who is going to make the call?” Neither of his other two friends answered but just stared at him hopefully. “Oh alright! I’ll do it.” Jay said picking up his cell phone. Xu and Lin-di laughed at Jay and continued their game.

            “I’m not telling you guys anything if you don’t shut up for a minute.” Mei’s voice overpowered the rest. “How am I supposed to talk in this racquet?”
            The boys had been pestering her to tell them about the accident and the hospital stay. They were inside Mei’s room sitting all over the floor playing Monopoly, joking and laughing. Having fun. Something Mei had not done with friends for a very long time. Mei had finally decided to use the term ‘friends’ with Jun Yin and his friends. As much as she hated them, they had come over to her house to welcome her back and made her smile.
            “Quiet then all of you. Let her speak.” Jun Yin said, hushing all the boys up. Mei had to laugh at his expression but felt pain all over her abdomen. Jun Yin saw Mei winced in pain and immediately got off of the floor and on his feet, rushing over to Mei’s bedside. He fussed around with concern.
            “Are you alright Mei? I’m sorry I made you laugh. Lie... Lie down if you’re not feeling well... Here.” Jun Yin said, stumbling over his words and arranging Mei’s bed pillows for her to make her more comfortable.
            “I’m fine thank you.” But Mei spoke too soon as she felt another jabbing pain and yelled out loud. This time, Jingmei rushed over to her side too, fussing around her senior. When Mei was alright, Jingmei was still fussing around her.
            “Jingmei, if you don’t stop, I’ll never talk to you again.” Mei jokingly reprimanded her junior. Jingmei stopped immediately and looked sad as the company laughed at her.
            “OK ok. Do you want to hear about my accident or not?” Mei asked beckoning Jingmei to take a seat next to her on the bed. “Well the sit around me here.”
            The boys looked at each other in disbelief before hopping on to Mei’s bed crowding around her, as she told them every detail from when she skipped school that very morning until the time she was discharged. They all listened attentively to her, not making a sound at all. Hun Fa and Fa Yun looked horrified when she was elaborating the accident itself while Jun Yin looked as though he felt her pain and was almost on the verge of tears.
            “I won’t be going to school for at least three months. That’s what I’m worried about now. Finals are approaching and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to catch up with school work.” Mei expressed herself, feeling worried.
            “Xue-Jie, I’ll come over every day to accompany you to study. I may not be much of a help but at least you won’t be alone. I’ll be here every day after school.” Jingmei offered to which Mei smiled at her junior.
            “I’ll come too!” Jun Yin yelled suddenly startling everyone and breaking the silence. “I’ll... I’ll... I’ll help you with homework. I’ll bring them here for you. Then er... I can... I can... Fill you in the topics you miss right?”
            His stammering gave him away. Not to mention the fact that he was already blushing red. Mei smiled at her silly friend and said nothing. His friends however, saw right through him and laughed.
            “Liar. You just want to come here to see Mei, don’t you, you little brat.” Hun Fa said teasingly, Jun Yin blushed even more at his comments, to which Fa Yun added.
            “Excuses. Excuses. You were so worried about Mei when she was hospitalized and not forgetting your little showcase just moments ago.”
            “That’s right. Xue-Jie, Jun Yin Xue-zhang would be looking for me every day to ask me about how you were and he’d get angry when I didn’t have any answers.” Jingmei said. “The truth is, I didn’t visit Xue-Jie every day, only on that day when Ruo De- Ge called me. That’s all.. Xue-Jie wasn’t even conscious then.”
            Jun Yin buried his head in his hands and shook in embarrassment as his friends continued teasing him, Jingmei too, without mercy. They laughed at poor Jun Yin, making him want to crawl under Mei’s bed and drawer.
            “Alright. Alright. That’s enough. Let him off. Jingmei, you too. Stop it all of you.” Mei said on Jun Yin’s behalf. “Jingmei, you and Jun Yin can come here to help me every day. Are you two coming along, Hun Fa, Fa Yun?”
            Hun Fa and Fa Yun looked at each other for a split second before turning to Mei and nodding their heads so quickly that it looked like something out of a cartoon show.
            “Alright then it’s settled. Now let’s get back to the game, I’m winning!” Mei yelled cheerfully, jumping up and falling back onto Jun Yin’s lap as she lost balance. Her weight did not seem to affect Jun Yin as he beamed gleefully at the fallen Mei.
            Mei pinched him threatening to kill him if he were to hold on to her any longer but Jun Yin just smiled and help her to her seat, still feeling the happiness inside his head. He was on cloud nine floating and flying without wings.
           “Stop smiling like that you moron.” Mei said to Jun Yin. “Else you’re not coming here at all on any given day. Not even to visit me.”
            Jun Yin’ smile faded and he concentrated on the game, keeping the happiness to himself.

*          *          *

            Shiro No Shiro (White Castle) nightclub, a favourite hangout for the party goers and young men, rich, young men. Ones who have thick wallets aligned with credit cards and driving sporty, posh cars, living in huge mansions. Not as huge as our Tanaka though but quite alright. That was where he was that Saturday night, drinking his time away, surrounded by women who were eyeing his wealth more than him. Tanaka was perfectly aware of this and had never taken any woman seriously enough to be in love.
            That Saturday night was not any different, he was flocked with a group of regular ladies, except that he was in no mood to entertain any of them and had driven them away with his temper. He does not usually show his temper to anyone because he rarely had any reason to but that night he was feeling a little more frustrated than usually was.
            Tanaka rested his heads on his arms on the bar top and was staring dreamily at his whiskey glass, turning and inspecting it at all angles, like an art critique would.
            “Can I please get another Whiskey? Please… my mom said I could have another.. Pretty please madam.” Tanaka said. He was half drunk and had no idea what he was talking about. The barmaid said nothing and heeded his request. “You know, I have something to share with you.”
            “Yes?” the barmaid said, leaning closer to him. Tanaka looked up and blinked his eyes, trying to steady his vision. 
            “I wasn’t talking to you, bitch. I was talking to my glass of whiskey. Now go and play somewhere else with some other rich guys, I’m not interested.” Tanaka said waving his hands to shoo her away. “I’m on a date with Ms Martell and later will be joined by Ms Margarita, who is on her way. Leave us alone.”
            With that, the barmaid moved away, shaking her head. She was used to all her customer’s nonsense. Being called a bitch seemed like a compliment to her compared to what she has been called before.
            “You know, my stupid dad? Fukuda Hishedori. He makes me do stupid things, stupid pointless things. Like the project, yeah..” Tanaka said to his whiskey glass as though he was talking to a real person. “I think, I should let someone take over. Don’t you think so? Hmmm.. Yes. That guy Jay, called just now telling me that meetings were going to be held at that moron’s house, what’s his name again, ah.. Xu.”
            Tanaka took a sip at his whiskey and laughed to himself. He rocked his head from side to side on his rested arm and started singing lullabies to himself. When he stopped singing he looked up out of a sudden with his disheveled hair and looked at the barmaid.
            “Has Ms Margarita arrived yet? Bring her to me.” he said. The barmaid served him his Margarita and moved away to her other customers. “Ah.. Hello my dear. Ohisashi Bure Danne.. (Been quite a while). I was saying to Ms Martell. I was thinking of dropping the dumb project.”
            He held both glasses and looked at them intensely. “But if I really do, Ano jiji (that old man), he will curse and nag me to my grave. Man.. I’d never hear the end of it.” he paused taking a sip out of his Margarita before turning to his Martell. “Those boys are amazing. How can they stand doing something so boring like business management? It’s not like flying. What could be greater than flying? Ne?”
            He smiled at his whiskey before finishing it in one gulp. “Yoshi! I’m done! Now I’ll make my way home and sing myself to sleep.. La.. La.. La.. La.. Haha..” he staggered his way to the exit turning around before leaving.
            “Jya minna (bye everybody).. Bye bye. Hey! Onna! (Woman)” he shouted for the barmaid he had cursed earlier. “The money is on the counter. I think there’s some leftover for you. I’ll come back tomorrow! Jya Ne! (See you)” The barmaid smiled and chuckled to herself.
            A drunk Tanaka staggered out of the night club and made his way past a few kissing couples. He turned to them and shouted after them “She’s only after your MONEY!!! HAHAHA! YOU”LL SEE! She’ll dry out your pockets SOOOONNN!!”
            Hailing a cab, leaving his car behind. He sang in the cab, half-awake and then started to tell the cab driver his life story but really it was rubbish he was uttering. He talked everything about his parents, girlfriend and career. By the time he was done, it had been half an hour since they arrived at his door step. The cab driver had to force Tanaka to leave thrice before he reluctantly left and made his way into the mansion.
            Inside, his parents were waiting for him, obviously furious with his drunken state; Celine had to hold Fukuda back from hitting their son.
            “Oh hello! Why are you still up? Missed me?” Tanaka said holding on to the pillar to maintain his balance. He smiled nonchalantly at his enraged parents. “I was at the Shiro No Oshiro. You should be there Oyaji (dad), great drinks, great girls. It’s for young men but I guess you’ll fit in. The girls there like rich men. Hot babes looking for people like you, rich and stuck-up! Haha!”
            “HISHEDORI TANAKA!!” Fukuda yelled, almost sobering his son. Celine retreated away from the two of them. She said nothing to her husband who was red with fury. “Mind your language young man! This is your father you are talking to! Look at yourself! You’re a disgrace! DRUNK!”
            “Drunk? I’m not drunk! I’m as sober as you are!” Tanaka said in a raised tone. “What have I done that is so irresponsible this time? HUH?! Nanda yo Oyaji, nanda? (what is it, father! What?)”
            “Damare! (Silence) You neglect the project, which should have been making greater progress than this. It’s obviously because of you isn’t it? Had you not been flying…” Fukuda yelled.
            “Had I not been flying? HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR FLYING… I WOULDN’T HAVE AGREED AT ALL!!!” Tanaka yelled in defense. The alcohol was starting to wear off and he was getting a little sober. “I would have run away from this place!”
            “Hah!” Fukuda scoffed. “Doko Iku-n jya? (Where will you go) DOKO? (Where) You’re incapable of taking care of yourself and yet you speak of running away? Warau waseruna! (Don’t make me laugh)”
            Being half-sober and young, Tanaka’s blood was boiling to the maximum. His father’s insults had gone way beyond his limits.
            “Damare! (Shut up) You do nothing but fight with me whenever I come home. If you feel better without me around, SAY SO! I’LL LEAVE! WITH PLEASURE!” Tanaka yelled on the verge of hitting his old man. Celine could only watch the two enraged father and son helplessly from the side.
            “TANAKA!! YOU WILL NOT TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME! YOU WILL NOT RUIN YOURSELF LIKE THIS!” Fukuda yelled in return pointing his finger at his son’s face. “Understand this because I’m only going to say this once. You will complete that project, and you will ace it. Do you understand me? You will do as I say!”
            Tanaka stared at his father in disgust and snorted at him. He then turned to a glass piece of ornament and punched it off of its resting place. It smashed onto the marble floor into a million pieces. He raised his eyes from his bloody hands to his Fukuda’s eyes, which were murderously burning with rage and unspeakable hatred.” If you could piece them back together, my answer will be a yes. Don’t worry, I will complete the project. But you will not tell me what to do. I don’t take orders so easily. I’m not you. Thank god.”
            With that, Tanaka left his parents dumbfounded and staggered across the hallway and up the stairs. He held on to every rooted thing to balance himself until he reached his room. Tanaka was still burning with rage when he was in his room, so naturally, the ornaments and furniture closest to him became victims. He began with kicking his bedside lamps across the room, one of which broke his mirror, shattering it to the ground. He then took down painting off of the walls and broke them into parts and flung his chair at his door. Hell of a racquet, yelling, cursing and swearing at the top of his lungs.
            Tired, he fell on his bed panting heavily, looking at his bloody hands from all that hitting and punching and his sore legs from all that kicking. He grumbled about his father being an ass and muttered how foolish and ignorant his father was. Cursing and swearing Fukuda in every language he knew, Tanaka grew sleepy from the exhaustion, still in the clothes from at the nightclub. His legs hanging from the edge of the bed and arms spread across the bed with blood dripping on the carpet, Tanaka looked tortured but his facial expression was peaceful. One like an innocent child, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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